User Roles and Levels:
There can be two type of users who can visit the web site.
Each user has two attributes, Role and Level. Role dictates type of functions they can do and Level limits the range of functions they can carry out.
Setup/Users menu shows the user list and the Role and Levels are shown under Alevel and Blevel.
Front End users.
- mainly Visitors to browse around and/or buy online. But in some cases can be vendors to add/sell site themes.
- If a visitor just browse around, no user record is created. But if they sign up or makes any purchase using their EMail, a user record is created.
- Alevel will have values like V(Visitor), P(Supplier) and Blevel will have values like H(High), Q(Medium) or W(Low).
Back End users.
- Mainly back office users to carry out the company or the organization business. They are typically employees or committee members and have access upto 150+ menu options.
- As part of the site creation, a manager and an admin backoffice user is created. The manager then can create other users.
- Alevel will have values like U(User), I(User Admin), S(System Admin), E(Data Access/Repair) and Blevel will have values like H(High), Q(Medium) or W(Low).
Data Access and Repair:
In order to maintain data integrity, certain data like accounting data or system generated data are not part of the normal Edit function. Some of these read only data can be edited by a backoffice user with Role E(Data Access/Repair/Edit). To prevent misuse, such a user can be created by S(System Admin) only. We recommend that the manager temporarily creates a System Admin user, who in turn will create a temporary Data Access/Repair user. The E(Data Access/Repair/Edit) could be a reseller or outside help.
Any changes done are logged into an Audit data base called EditLog.