Spcl |
a subset of shopping items are shown here to highlight products. Category and subcategory can be used here as well. |
View |
a subset of item images are shown here to highlight products. Category and subcategory can be used here as well. |
this provides a pop up message to the visitor and the content is used to suggest actions or introduce any new information or forthcoming changes |
What users will see once logged in
Main Drop Down Horizontal Menu |
Home Add/List/Report.. Transactions Mailings Tools |
SetUps Process Hung Contact Us/FAQ |
Left Vertical Panel Menu (if shown) |
Home SubOptions |
the following new options will appear once logged in. |
Visual General Flow |
-a visual presentation of the order supply work flow involved and the functions can be invoked by clicking on the button or links |
Financials Flow |
-a visual presentation of the accounting work flow involved and the functions can be invoked by clicking on the button or links |
Status Dashboard |
-a visual presentation of how the organization is performing and the functions can be invoked by clicking on the button or links |
Add/List/Report.. SubOptions
The less commonly used entities are grouped under the 'Other' category but offers special usage and unique functions. But first a few |
comments about the regular ones. Address is designed as a separate entity and allows the same address be reused by other entities. There is a |
separate menue option with ExistingAddress to make use of this. However for most situations it is more convenient to be able to |
enter the Address and Customer in the same page and there is a option for that as well. Location |
also exists as a separate entity to allow more flexibility. It is an extension of Address. The entitites Company, |
Department etc refer to the organization structure and mostly wont apply to smaller business. The other category needs some usage |
explanation. The Group/Team and the related Members can be used for Mailings or for |
Schedule. Since a Group/Team can contain various types of Members, we suggest the following steps. |
Goto the Add Members and select the required Group/Team first and then one of the others. Follow some naming conventions |
for the membership id like first 2 characters of the Group/Team followed by incremental number like cm0001,cm0002 etc. |
Usage/Expense By Periods can provide a great usage to track any usage by upto 12 periods. The application itself uses it to track sales figures. |
The Report can show pie or line charts. |
SetUps SubOptions |
the following are the main options used to customize the web site ie to change the default content |
Message/Labels |
-this option is used to change the labels of menu options and the field labels. Messages and Labels are stored as key and value pair ie read is the key and the default value is Read but you can change the value here. See the screen shot below. You will need to click on the + to see the search option. You can also narrow down your search using the dropn down list. |
The drop down list allows the matching message bundle to use in conjunction with the message key and value. Message bundle m with SYSTEM cannot be used because they are for default values but m with the application name can be used. A separate List/Edit/Add page exists to handle message bundle for a specific country or language or application code. |
Shipment Rate/Coupon value |
-this option is used to change the default shipping cost. The keys are Usertype,Prodtype,Stepname and Step. The value is under Value |
-Usertype can be CS for customer shipment,Prodtype can be P for production usage,Stepname can be SS for standard shipment and small size,ES for Express shipment for small size,PS for PickUp for small size and similarly SM for standard shipment medium size and SL for standard shipment for large size. |
options |
-this option is used to change the drop down list values shown in the web pages. There are more than 50 such options and in most cases |
the default values can be used but if needed they can be and in some cases need to be changed as part of the customization. The values |
are stored in a table with as many rows as needed and each option has three properties called options,purpose and value. In general, the |
option values are used internally |
by the application and purpose values are used externally as user friendly labels and values property is mostly unused but can be used to filter |
out ie not to show based on application type or country locale value. Sometimes one option may need more rows to hold more values, so for |
other options any duplicate or blank rows are not shown. An example below shows options08 being used as the type for a scheduled event like meeting |
As a default, all the rows for option01 is shown but a button at the bottom can be used to show another option. |
Lets look at some more complex option entries and see option10 entries below. This option is used to show Pay By values. |
The purpose and value field has entries for country codes ca= for Canada and us= for USA. Because of the country code |
entries different spelling will be shown. Another filtering example is using entity code like 1a=s meaning show 1a=h |
meaning hide for items since 1a is internally used as entity code for Item. This entity code is shown as part of the url as position |
7 and 8 of the list or edit page for that entity. |
Options are typically used for all the application types, but if they are not used then all the rows for that option will be blank. |
Report Settings |
-this option is used to change Report settings and allow controlling which columns will be shown. You need to select the table or functional entity name like item,customer etc and then type of reports like details, demographic, metrics and ad hoc 1 and 2. Each column can then be shown or hidden. It is important to remember that a report page width is limited and we need to hide some columns so that the needed ones can be shown. |
Site Configuration |
-Some of the chages here can severely affect the site functions and one need to be careful before making any changes. The table has many columns and takes some time to load the update page. |
Site Configuration |
The following may need changes from time to time- Size:S(mall) or M(edium) or L(arge) shows or hides some menue options. SSO Token: Used if client has multiple sites and SSO (Single Sign On) is to be supported. Put the same token value in all the related sites. apicliendid and apiclientsecret: Enter the appropriate values obtained from Payment processor like Paypal. This field update is available only to an user with sysadmin role. |
Site Configuration |
The following may need changes from time to time- Size:S(mall) or M(edium) or L(arge) shows or hides some menue options. SSO Token: Used if client has multiple sites and SSO (Single Sign On) is to be supported. Put the same token value in all the related sites. apicliendid and apiclientsecret: Enter the appropriate values obtained from Payment processor like Paypal. This field update is available only to an user with sysadmin role. |
-Go to Setups/Client/Edit record 01 but select Full Configur/Setup. Find and update field named Ashostid with Reseller's web site host address, example 3rcomputer.com. Do not add http or www, it will be added for you. The Footer of Home page will show a Link Supported by xxx.com and is turned on by setting check mark to field Listbuildv. |
User Profile |
-User specific values are stored here and are used by system. Examples are theme chosen by an user or values entered by an user for drop down list. Normally will not need any maintenance. |
User |
-Normally used by a manager or admin to create a new back office user or delete or alter an existing user information. User themselves have limited access to alter some information including their Email signature |
Accounting Period |
-Shows current accounting period information and normally will not need any user maintenance. There is a button to 'hold current business date' which needs some explanation. Normally each calendar day, the business date will also change, but this can stop the business date roll and can be useful at fiscal year end when accounting adjustments are done. |
Account |
-Shows accounts related information and normally will not need any user maintenance. However, if the default accounts setup is not adequate then new entries or updates are done here. There is also a facility to upload chart of accounts data as CSV (comma separated value) first and then to import that data. |
Period Dates |
-Shows all the accounting period information and normally will not need any user maintenance. There are two extra periods ie 13 and 14 and can be used as a convenience to defer Year end process by up to 2 months. Accounting entries for next fiscal year are captured here and as part of the year end process move under next Fiscal period 1 and 2. The buttons are the same as in 'Year End' and are shown here for convenience |
Account Integration |
-Shows related accounts information used for posting and normally will not need any user maintenance. However, if the default setup is not adequate then new entries or updates are done here. |
General Ledger Entries |
-Normally used at year end to enter accounting adjustment entries. |
account period totals |
-Extension of accounts information and shows the values in each period and normally will not need any user maintenance |
Year End |
-Used at fiscal year end to close the current year and roll to the next fiscal year. There are buttons to first close old journals so that they do not appear in any report and then to delete them |
Web Site Customization |
-Should be used as needed to maintain the web site content. The changes can be done in two steps ie |
first for preview and approval and next to publish to all visitors to the site. |
The top row allows changing the menue content as follows. Put the new label value as input to New Label |
and then click on the link label you want to change. So if you want to show menue label Products as Offerings, then type |
in Offerings as input for New Label and then click on the label currently showing as Offerings. If the radio |
button selection under the New Label is Preview then only you will see the change but not others. If you are |
ok with the change and want to publish for general then select Accept for radio button and click the Label now |
showing Offerings instead of Products. |
You will see multiple collapsed or closed panels with titles like Publish/Preview , (TopBackGround) TopBackground Graphics etc. |
If you press the + ie Plus button then the panels will expand. Publish/Preview will show whole or part of the current panel |
you are working on. The content panels are all structured the same way ie Top row is for Graphics to be changed. |
Below the Graphics there will be two other rows for Text ie Header and Text data. |
Top Graphics panel has graphics only as there is no applicable text. It is primarily meant for background and |
can also be used for special effects. All Graphics are stored as blobdata and has key structure Main Key, Qualifier |
and sequence example 3R-TOP-BKGR,PIC,0. There is also a column called type which can have value like jpg,png or asis. |
Graphic images are automatically scaled to fit the default page dimension. However if the type is 'asis' then |
no scaling is done and allows for large images (upto 510 wide and 720 high) for special effect for the Home page. |
Further special effects can be done by giving sequence number as 98 or 99 in conjunction with using type as 'asis'. |
This will allow fade out after a few seconds or by clicking on the image. Image with seq 99 will appear first |
and then fadeout and if seq 98 is also present then its image will appear and then fadeout. |
TopLeft panel will allow putting a small image like a logo or highlight something along with a header and body text |
against the background image. |
The panels starting with Products will allow using seq 0 to 4 ie one can place upto 5 sets of image,header and text body |
within a page. Since Products itself has _1,_2 and -3 pages you can have upto 15 combination of images and text |
to present to visitors. |
Within a panel preview data is shown on the left or on top and published data will appear on the right side or below |
the preview data. For a larger view you can expand the publish/preview panel. |
RestoreData |
-Use with extreme caution as this will replace the existing data with the last backup. |
Web Site Customization using theme Gallery |
-Should be used as needed to change the default layout and content. This Theme gallery is different from the dropdown theme. |
Theme gallery is used to change the content and how the content is presented, where as the dropdown theme changes the page color |
combinations only not the content.The work together. |
Theme gallery is structured as categories and themes under a category. Each theme typically will have the home page content along |
with other pages a visitor will see. The page content will have images and text which are designed to be appealing and relevant to the |
theme. |
To add a new theme, a reseller will have to sign up as a vendor for the Raaspi site. If you login as a vendor, you will see |
Browse themeContent |
The browse page will have a button new themeContent to create a new theme category and theme contents under it . |
Themes are saved as shopping items ie type as 'SI-L1' or 'SI-D' but . |
RestoreData |
-Use with extreme caution as this will replace the existing data with the last backup. |